Supporting Mothers and Daughters to Navigate the Puberty Years Connected and Powerful!

I have heard from/worked with 1000’s of you mama’s! Puberty was rough for MANY of us for lots of different reasons!

One really common one is that; no one told us what the heck was happening to our bodies in any real meaningful way, let alone took any time to have a conversation about: our emotional storms, stress, anxiety, the change in friendships, our view of ourselves or any of the other HUGE swirlings that NATURALLY happen at this stage!

Many of us felt embarrassed, secretive and even ashamed (we may even feel some of those remnants!). We did not experience this transition as an honored, natural rite of passage. We weren’t given a map filled with information, held through initiation or shown the possibility for deeper connection with ourselves. In fact we were given VERY LITTLE information or conversations at all!

We have grown a lot since then and we want something really different for our daughters! It is a different time and it time to tell a new story!

It’s time to weave a new story and that starts with each of us showing up to share something more powerful and true with our daughters. To give them the WHOLE picture, including: information about their changing bodies, actual GOOD and important information on their menstrual cycle, AND at the same time letting them know that puberty is WAY MORE than just their body changes and hormones! Puberty is a massive transition period where everything from our brain chemistry, our bodies and our entire lives shift, as we move from an adolescent and into a young adult.

The landscape or map for girls going through puberty today has shifted. Puberty is impacted by ALL THE THINGS and for girls now a days STRESS and ANXIETY are a major part of the realities of puberty in a way we did not experience. We are some of the first generation of adults that has to navigate how to raise kids amidst social media, phones, endocrine disruptors, connection everywhere and yet disconnection everywhere.

As a mama of 4 myself and a midwife, I am no stranger to talking about the body but we need more than that. We need to talk about the WHOLE of this time period: the mind/body and spirit changes that occur. This is what I am here to help you do!

  • To give you and your daughter a well spring of information about ALL ASPECTS of puberty.

  • To have some real conversations around stress, anxiety, hormones and well….all of it!

  • To give you tools to help her, you and your relationship!

  • To answer those hard questions!

  • To guide you on what’s normal and to help you have all of those conversations you wished someone had with you!

You can find helpful information on this site from: the blog, podcast and the In Person and Online Powerful Puberty course!

GET YOUR Free Powerful Puberty Guidebook

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  • "Julie creates a really safe and open environment to open up about things that feel uncomfortable or hard to talk about. She does a really good job explaining things and letting us ask questions about things that may be hard to ask your mom about. She also does a good job helping you understand what’s going on with your emotions."

    Piper- Age 12

  • "I didn't get out of the car for the first 30 minutes of the class. I DID NOT want to go! I ended up going in and am so happy I did! I honestly ended up having fun and learning stuff too!

    Cora- Age 11

  • Thank you so much for this class! It's really helping me build a stronger connection to my daughter, which has been so great because she spent the first half of covid hiding in her room and not talking much to the rest of the family.

    Stephanie (mom to 10 year old Eloise)

  • "Somehow you make talking about hard things really easy"

    Maeve Age 13

  • "Julie really has a gentle yet powerful way of helping girls to open up, feel connected & cared for. We all appreciated the way she educates & empowers them to utilize various stress-management techniques that are so valuable in the midst of middle school chaos & drama! Sure wish I had this experience & support at that age. Working with Julie also takes pressure off of having “all the answers” as a parent. Our time together was the perfect mix of introspection, sharing stories/feelings & hands-on practice & creating."

    Sarah A.

  • "I took this class recently and what I really liked about it was seeing that other people were going through similar stuff as me. I also liked getting to learn tools that can help me with my anxiety. I thought this class was fun and creative. I hope you guys like it too."

    Grace- age 12

  • "Julie, Abby has asked me twice now when we can do this again, she really enjoyed hanging with a tribe and learning new things! Thank you for everything!"

    Alex- Mom to Abby (age 10)