Top 5 Nontoxic Menstrual and Personal care products for Tweens/Teens
Why in the world should we care about what menstrual cycle and personal care products our kiddos are using, I mean didn’t most of us have one or two bra options and the simple choice of pads or tampon and “we were just fine”? Is the nontoxic or organic label just another marketing ploy?
Let me tell ya, as someone who has been deep in the menstrual health, birth and teen field for decades now that it makes a big difference! it’s a hard time for ovaries these days.
Why, you may ask? Well there are a MULTITUDE of reasons, but the one that I want to cover is in this blog is Endocrine disruptors, otherwise known as sneaky chemicals that are found in so many different places in our daily lives around us and infiltrate our bodies creating havoc!
Of course endocrine disruptors primarily impact, you guessed it the endocrine system, which is the main system in charge of puberty. Many endocrine disruptors (PFAF’s, BPA’s, PFC’s, phthalates, PCB’s, pesticides, fungicides and DES) impact either the creation of, processing of, or elimination of hormones.
As mammals our bodies and all of our system must be in homeostasis or the mechanism of disease shows up as an alarm bell of the imbalance. to much of anything, especially estrogen can cause all sorts of problems including: menstruation issues, (PCOS, endometriosis, Fibroid) Precoscious puberty and a host of other milder imbalances, which are we are seeing an astronomical rise in girls and women of all ages.
Menstrual health is our 5th vital sign! Our menstrual health, or how in or out of balance our cycle is, along with the symptoms we experience, demonstrates so much about our overall health and wellness. Of course we are a complete organism of systems that are constantly interacting with each other and their environment. For girls going through puberty their endocrine system is still very much developing and in any development stage the biology is much more susceptible to the impact of chemicals.
The average age for a girl to enter into puberty has been decreasing for the last 10-15 years. In fact today’s average female begins menstruation around the age of 11-12 with many starting at 8-9 and some entering into precocious puberty even earlier. Many research studies have shown that endocrine disruptors play an important part in precocious or early puberty. In fact research consistently shows how the impact of these chemicals is linked to disruptions in fertility and menstrual health of girls, boys, women and men over all.
In our lifetime we will use around 10,000 or more pads/tampoons and other products. The Vulvar tissue that we place pads, tampons, period underwear and cups against is highly permeable and allows chemicals to be absorbed without going through the our filtration system, allowing for higher levels of the toxins to be present.
The personal care industry is not required to meet any sort of safety standard for ingredients and personal care products may contain many chemicals of concern, Many of which are suspected to impact our endocrine health.
Research has found that nearly 98% of all menstrual products on the market contain suspected endocrine disruptors. In fact many personal care products that were studied contain paragons that can disrupt hormones, harm fertility, affect birth outcomes and increase the risk of cancer.
In 2023 a bill was introduced in the the House of Representatives called the Menstrual Product and Intimate Care Product Safety Act of 2023. The Act would establish a program of research regarding the risks posed by the presence of dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, chemical fragrances, and other components in menstrual products and intimate care products.
So….what are some SIMPLE ways that we can support our kiddos developing endocrine systems?
One place that a lot of these chemicals enter our bodies from is our personal care products. As you begin to purchase menstrual and personal care products for your daughter you can support her developing endocrine system with products that contain safe ingredients.
Non Toxic Deoderant- Freedom, Kopari or Dove 0
Body odor is something we ALL experience. It is one of the first signs of puberty. The skin is the largest and most absorbent organ in the body. Using natural deodorants will help diminish the body odor while keeping the chemicals out. There are many on the market and just like all deodorants, some work better than others; I recommend Freedom, Kopari or even Dove 0.
Period Underwear -
There are A LOT of period underwear companies flooding the market! Some of them offer tween/teen lines. We are very fortunate to have such a wide variety of products to support us. However, not all companies are paying attention to the health and wellness of their products and some big name companies even have been under investigation over the use of toxic chemicals in their products. After a lot of research, I would recommend They have a tween/teen line that are CHEMICAL FREE and two different styles with various sizes. Check out here
Bras- Bleuet Bras
Who doesn’t want their first bra experience to be soft and comfortable, as well as supportive and pretty. Bleuet is a mama owned company who fits this need all while being made in America. They have various styles of bras including cami’s, bamboo and even an organic bra. The prices are affordable and manufacturing is sustainable.
Pads and Tampons- Happie Moon, Asana Girls, Seventh Generation Organic Tampons
There are so many chemicals in many pads and tampons. Did you know that at one point they use to market lysol as a douche in the 1950’s…yep, true story! Now a days we have happie moon, asana girls and seventh generation organic tampons that are slimmer than most and 99% organic making it a perfect fit for young, newly menstruating girls.
Make up- Petite n’ pretty, bloom, no nasties
Skin care and make up products are all the rage amongst many 11-12 year olds. Many girls of this age are using products that are not only inappropriate for them but also super damaging! If your kiddo has been given the green light to begin using skin care and make up products; I highly recommend that you try companies that are mineral based, non toxic and perhaps even geared towards this demographic including: Petite n’ Pretty, Bloom, No nasties
Looking for more support and information, I have a blog on some places these chemicals maybe living in your house and simple, easy ways to change them here.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals found in menstrual products including: tampons, pads and liners
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Found in Menstrual Care Products Studies Show
Endocrine Disruptors Effects on Puberty
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and their Effects on Early Puberty in Girls
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and reproductive disorders in women, men and animal models
Get Your Free Guidebook
Get Your Free Guidebook 〰️
Your Free Menstrual Care Guidebook-
How to support your daughter’s hormones before she even begins her cycle.
How to support her cycle with natural tools for her over all health and wellness.
What you can specifically do to help her cycle not suck and to be in greater balance.
PLUS a bonus tip on WHAT maybe contributing to the imbalances and symptoms!