Why the Birth Control Pill is NOT a Period Cure for Young Girls
The Birth Control was a "female empowerment" catalyst in the 1960's.
However today it is being prescribed to millions of tweens and teenagers, not as a contraceptive device but as a period ailment "cure"
This podcast explores what exactly the Birth Control pill is and how it affects the mind, body and emotional health of a tween/teen.
It explores the physiology of the Birth Control pill and why long term use of a band aid "cure" is not helpful for most girls long term reproductive health.
This podcast DOES NOT explore the Birth Control Pill as a contraceptive option but rather as a prescriptive medicine that is being given to millions of girls, with little to no explanation or informed consent or options for healing the period issues that may be experienced at this age.
This podcast gives details what your daughter may or maybe going through and how to help support the healing and balancing of this cycle without birth control pills.